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Saturday, August 05, 2006

Fishing After The Rain

Catch Report 5/8/2006

Had a sleep-in today since it was saturday and I woke up almost at around lunch time. Watched the IFISH on channel 10 and was so impressed with the way they catch black drummer off the rocks. I didn't really had lunch today and went office straightaway.

It was almost about mid-afternoon and I wasn't really productive. The fish bug hits me again and what did you know, my team mate Chen came online. So a quick message asking him for a luring session and obviously he said let's go.

Seeing that it has been such a long time since we go back to our old playground, the Iron Cove, we hit that place. I was initially juggling between Glebe and IC and since Justin told me that Glebe had opened, I still chose IC. Upon reaching there, the wind was relentless. We gave up the idea of Justin's jewfish spot and so opted for the more sheltered Jialiang's "slopy slope". Cast cast cast, no bites. Feeling that the wind was blowing sort of westerly, I asked Chen if a move was the go and so we proceeded to the drain. When we were there, Chen said that the water was dirty and it was! Damn. Not only that, there seems to be a current flow that was causing eddies around the drain mouth. With that, basically the fishing line would not stay straight as I wanted to. Suddenly, Chen said he had something but felt light. A few moments of cranking the fish let go, probably a really smallish flathead. I was still jigging my pseed bm with no bites at all, until when I was at one point of time started to crank in the plastic fast. Then, a shadow appears and I saw a wide mouth opened and next thing, I hooked on a tailor right below my feet! Good stuff!

It went 31cm which was definitely legal and my biggest on soft plastic! So a theory was set, there were indeed heaps of tailors around, and the key was to crank it fast, because the second tailor came on the next cast. Just a small usual "chopper" size.

The poor bm had been totally terrorised, because they are called choppers due to their very canine sharp teeth. I lost so many potential hook ups and so decided to change to hardbody lures. I told Chen to change too and he tied on mr pinky. He cranked fast and was suddenly rewarded his personal best flathead of 48cm!

Well done bro! However, he had a messy line situation on his spool and couldn't cast really well after letting this flathead go. My Cultiva Rip'n Minnow 65SP lure had a few hits and misses with a couple of drop outs which was really devastating. But, all's not lost when I suddenly had a solid take which I thought it could be a big tailor. Surprisingly, a 37cm flathead decided to give me the short thrill.

Chen had a call from Jenny and so we had to leave, nonetheless, it was a good luring session which we both had long had such fun. Not forgetting Chen is edging towards bigger fishes as he is now getting better at the art of angling.



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