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Saturday, November 18, 2006

Too Many Flatties!

Catch Report 18/11/2006

Suddenly concussed early last night for no apparent reason after finishing dinner with Chen. Then, also suddenly wake up early around 5+ today morning. Looked out the window and thought what the heck, I'll go for a lure. A quick check of the wind condition from my handphone internet and decided to hit Five Dock bay which I've been meaning to do.

Upon reaching there, I the water was glassy. There wasn't any wind and I tried with bloodworm grub 1st. On the first cast, got a smallish flathead. Threw him back and on the next cast at the same spot, I hook up straightaway without even a twitch! This run was unique and indeed, it was a smallish bream! Haha, I thought it'll be a good day!

Well, sort of... long story short then. I hooked up to countless, yes, countless amount of small flatties throughout the whole session! I reckon I'm looking at a figure of over 20+ in the space of about 3 hours being there, with maybe only 1 or 2 of it being a legal! Even this place also haunts me with small flatties! But they are still a little fun, knowing that anything u just throw into the water you'll bound to get something! There was couple of times I thought my plastics got snagged but flicking it out seems no trouble at all. It was indeed quite a top place.

I persisted with the hope to at least get a decent bream before calling it quits. By then, the tide was falling and things were looking grim. More flatties hop onto the grub and bm. Rigged up a pseed grub and noticed a stretch had many small ferocious bites and knew it can't be flatties. Kept on spraying the Stimulate and on a particular retrieve, I decided to drag it. Suddenly while the plastic was rolling along the bottom, it moved and the line got straightened. I striked and my beloved kix do the zzz dance. Ah.. almost orgase at that moment as I knew I'll be able to get the big buggers there. The water was shallow and the bream went ballistic, running a few times and never wanted to let me steer it to the bank. Still, I won the battle and brought this 31cm up for a quick snap. Was a little disappointed with the size but still it was a strong fighter, respect..

Soon, the grub's tail was snipped again and I tried for a little longer with goldie. The water was really shallow by now and I gave up and headed to maccas and had brekkie.



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