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Friday, December 01, 2006

Beer, Tackles and Shit Fishing

The other day Phil suddenly bought a case of Cascade Premium Light and stash it in my room! He had told me before he sort of like this beer and I didn't realised he would buy a whole case! I've also just got a new case of TED last week and now there's 2 cases of beer in my room! That's what I call a Hostel room!

What we have made up for in the blokey environment, we lack the ladies department. WTF?! I guess thesis is my part-time girlfriend now, how pathetic! Enough of this shit talk. There was another Compleat Angler X'mas sale on thursday and so with the stuffs that we're after stored in our brain, me and Chen did the "kiasu" thing and went there before they open shop. Got meself a dvd (can't fish so have to "settle" ownself itch). Also another Ecogear SX-40F lure in colour 309 and a soft plastic spinner blade for bass fishing. Plus other cheapie lures. Still, end up coming out of the shop 30 bucks poorer.

Chen did the most damage to his wallet, getting a $100 Shimano Rack Raider rod, one SX40 and one SX48 lure, Yamashita squid jig and some other cheapies. He also got his mate to get from another compleat store at Villawood the sx colour 306 lure that I've been having the most success.

After watching the AFC dvd, I was itching for a lure. The wind forecast wasn't very good but I thought might as well go since I'll be tied onto my experiment lab work next week. Once there, it was indeed windy. Tried a smelt bm 1st and was difficult to feel the line. The wind was getting stronger and I was getting pissier. Did however managed one small bream but the wind was too much for me and got frustrated and left.

Feeling dejected and didn't wanna give up, made a switch to a place I haven't been fishing for a long time. Got there and the wind was still messy and always changing directions! I made a few cast with goldie but it was just shit. Even one angler I spotted got irritated and didn't stay long. I made another final switch and went to this spot I thought will let the wind blow from behind me. It was kinda blowing from behind but I just made do with it. Though the surface was choppy, there were still mullets jumping in this relatively shallow sandflat. Tried with 2inch grubs only to have it raped by puffers! Made a change to SX40 and got rewarded with a legal whiting on 1st cast! Stupid camera played on me again and could only take a video shot. Then, after a few casts later, I got a good fight from a just legal flattie.

The water was fast shallowing out. I thought it's about time to call it off when I got another hit. Surprisingly it's a super duper small Silver Biddy and it's biddy number 5 for me! Haha..

Good sx40, it has caught almost all the common estuary species.



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