After that successful luring trip at Rocky's playground, I suggested to JM if he wanna try too on Sunday. We were contemplating first after he learnt about my encounters with those lima echo bravos. But in the end, we went ahead. Parked at the same place as last friday but JM thought of casting heavy plastics near the princes highway bridge for jewfish. While he was casting at the mouth of the bridge, I opted to go under this old disgusting bridge and cast my same setup as last friday. On the 2nd cast with the 1/32oz size 1 jighead with a squidgy 80mm flickbait, it got hammered. This fish was the best fun I've had for a long time. It took me for a ride in all sorts of direction, and rubbing rocks and oysters was what I could feel most times. Panic-stricken and at the same time enjoying the fight, all I was telling JM was this fish is going to do me big time. Haha, but he was just behind me taking video?! Anyway, after a tightening the drag a couple of times, finally we saw colour. What the?! Only 33cm and it gave such fun?! L.E.S.P.E.C.T...
Soon, I'm going to have a third luring outfit (1st was my surecatch, 2nd is my current blackhole). For my birthday, Chen and Jeff bought me a G.Loomis SR842-2 blank! I love these boys to death man.. Well, Chen got one too and he had ordered from USA. We've already gotten the blanks and I've also purchased the rest of the components such as grip and guides (which I will reveal later on after the build). And so, even me being so broke now, I still can go buy a spinning reel! Well, not everyday when you have your best friends buy you expensive gifts without you forking out more love right? Ok, talk to much crap. I have been aiming to get a Shimano reel since I've already got a Daiwa. At first, you'll wanna get high end reels, such as the TwinPower (that's the only one I can think of getting it without seriously burning my pocket). But, without working now and earning money, I better be more humble. So, bo bian.. aim a little lower and the next in line was the Stradic. Check the local tackle shop price and also monitoring prices in eBay, it seemed like a more viable option to get from overseas. But in the end, an online flyer was sent to my email and it was quite cheap to get a Japan made Stradic 1000 for only US$110 including shipping! That's about $130 aussie with the good exchange rate. It was from a wholesale seller in America who deals mainly with Shimano.
Click here to go to his page.. (I never poison you ah!)
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