Welcome to my Blog. I hope you will have a fun time in here viewing what I've posted. Have a nice day and wish you all the best in life. Cheers.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Return Of The Flattie

Been doing the odd luring here and there and I must say it's making my fishing more and more dull (can u believe it?!). There would be times when I'm heavily contemplating on going for other sorts of fishing but then the thought of travelling and let alone carrying gears and baits has really put me off on numerous occasions. Anyway, the most easiest of all is to simply lug on my backpack and sling my loomis out for a nearby quick fix. Last Friday saw me heading out super early to catch the first light on an incoming tide. Went to HC bay to bask in the morning glory. Well, long story short. Nothing spectacular except I was trialing a new Lucky Craft lure, the EB-R 50S shrimp look-alike lure that's sinking (yup, sinking, I'm going to that direction). On the 1st drop, within a few cranks, there was a take and fish was on. Easily came in and a small bream was landed. Well, just as I was bringing up on the land and ready to take a photo, the bream fell off the treble and within a few back flips, off it goes back to the drink! Fwah... spewing man! No photo, no proof... After a disappointing showing, I decided a change of arena for the outgoing. Have heard about Brays bay at Rhodes and even fished once before with Rocky at night but didn't get anything so I thought I'll go check it out. Long story short, even more struggling than at HC but still managed some small flatties and a small bream so decided to take a pic with some backdrops.

The water there is simply dirty to da max. As it is just next to Homebush bay and is so inwards from the Parramatta river, no wonder the water seemed more silty. Seriously wouldn't mind popping in again albeit it's kinda far. Bloody Myer rostered me for a mere 4 hours of work in the afternoon on Saturday and thought I'll just do a quickie in the morning. Left for IC seeing that it's nearer and also the wind was kinda blowing southerly. Tried the usual rowing club stretch briefly for a few smallish flatties before my 1st snagging of the size 2 nitro jighead, DIU! Then, switched over to the longkang and tried precision casting and using the outgoing tide to work the lures. Bang.. bang.. bang.. and a few flatties and small breams hit the bank. One particular bream was taken parallel to the pylon and what a visual it was seeing it came from the depths to chase the camo worm and whoolf it down in one lightning action. The only highlight was a good size flattie at 47cm taken virtually just below my feet.

That sums it up pretty much for that morning and off to work in a measly 4 hours at Myer. Back in HQ, Chen sms'ed me for a night op and I gladly obliged. With the high at approximately 9pm, we left for Le Montage just right near to dusk. Chen was first up with a good size flattie that ran super hardout on his Tierra. He was full of respect for that flattie and it was soon my turn to give the same respects for the flatties there. My last piece of camo worm was taken and the next thing I know, Zzzzz off it goes and the pressure on Loomis was great, which had me thinking it probably was a good bream. But alas it turns out to be a good mid 40s flathead.

Had another eye-hooking experience on a small bream and the poor bugger suffered quite a bad injury. Chen hit onto another flathead also in the high 40s which seemed to be bigger than his 1st but didn't run hardout, that's the problem! Changed to the trout tango and scored a kamikaze flattie and also a small tailor before we called it quits for a maccas feed.

Since I had to take leave for this coming Thursdays as my parents will be arriving in Sydney for my Friday's graduation ceremony (YEEHAR!!! FINALLY!!!), my roster was changed to Sunday and with 160% payload, it's good to work for the extra dole. Came back and was buggered the rest of the day and basically chilled out with friends in college at night. Had thought about going for blackfish on Monday morning but canned the idea as I wanted to sleep-in.. hehe.. With the multitudes of bait activity I saw at the longkang, I went back again to fish the outgoing instead. Arrived just on the top of the tide and began sussing out activities. Caught a small bream on the first cast with a used worm before it was made short work by you-know-who. Changed to the bloodworm wriggler which I haven't been using much at this arena and also I've run out of the faithful gulp worm. Think I got a flattie near the pylons and things got interesting when I prospect the open waters. Knew that the water was starting to run hardout and the bites were getting ferocious even on a non-scented wriggler. Time to megastriked the plastic hardout and that's when the spot I found the ferocious bites turned into a solid hookup. Zzzz off it goes on the first run and straight up I felt the rod load and knew it's a good fish. Didn't run that hardout like the previous good fishes but at least this one was easier to lip grip.

Roughly went 36cm (didn't put the fish on the measure properly) cos' I was disarrayed with the camera running out of battery and the clumsiness while handling the fish which at the same time I was concerned about its wellbeing. Luckily still could squeeze 2 photos before the camera could no longer turned back on! Yup, that means no more pics can be taken if I happen to get a good fish?! Anyway, who cares, just fish lah! After releasing that bugger, I continued hitting that spot which required pretty long cast. The wriggler on 1g modded head was smashed yet again but this one gave me some curry and I could feel a decent weight. It ran to the pylon and I could straight up feel the yamatoyo line rubbing the concrete! Put more drag and moved away as far as I could to turn the bugger out and luckily it got my message and moments later, fight was over. Tamade... only a smallish barely legal bream but what a fight it put up! The wriggler couldn't withstand the bane of the sea and got chewed up later on. Didn't score anymore fish and thought that the 2 meter tide had receded to quite low and so pack it all up.


Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Cheapskate Luring

On Sunday, it was Toey's 2nd run for the 10 hour pre-service thingy. I wasn't rostered for Myer but Chen was. Anyway, we were buggered from a whole day shift on Saturday and quite easily passed out at night to try and wake up at the most ungentlemanly hour of 2am! No choice, motor has to run slow and we have to go catch squid. Launched at Tunks with quite a few trailers parked there already. Fired up toey and off we went at that painful pace. As usual, chuck on a new Berkley Frenzy I just acquired from BigW for 4 bucks which could dive to 4 meters. Prepped the burley and enjoy the slow cruise in the middle of the night. Hit the squid spot to find that the tide was running out fast. Anchored and rigged up my paternoster whilst Chen used his new 1.8 yama. I tried one side while Chen the other. Suddenly within short moments, Chen called out and said there's heaps of sotongs going crazy for his jig and indeed it was. He instantly brought up the first squid and I also dropped my pater. As the water was clear, I could easily see the squid attacking one of my yozu. Dropped a few before one decisive moment when I struck it and they squirt ink. As long as they squirt ink, it usually means the hookup is secured. Thought we saw quite a lot of squids but in the end got tricked as some were yellowtails chasing the jigs. Managed only 3 but told Chen it was enough and not waste time to move off for the 5am first light.

One of the fastest squid session with us being there for like 15 minutes. To cut the long story short... NOTHING. Tried until 2 of the sotongs got demolished by either baby snappers or Leatherjackets. That's when I randomly switched to using a 4inch bass minnow in white to imitate a sluggo. Suddenly when I was retrieving back the plastic, a small king followed it and quickly did a U-turn! Got us excited and we stayed on. Nothing happened until we saw another boat nearby hook a baby king. We were again tempted and therefore use the last squid. NOTHING. Gave up in the end and trolled back. Tried Chen's new Procaster-V (10-14lb heavy action rod) he just got at a discontinued price for trolling. NOTHING. An interesting thing happened on the ramp when a rich ang moh decided that to reverse to the ramp without securing his winch. Then suddenly when me and Chen were winching in Brooker, there was a loud thud and the next thing we know, the boat was narrowingly missing me and especially Chen! It came down like a loose cannon! Bloody idiots, the ramp was a two-way lane and that bastard just have to squeeze through in between us and another boat! Not only they didn't apologise for that, they didn't even thank Chen when he helped them lift the boat up to try and float it! And being a rich no-brainer ang moh, their fat ass mother still can happily sit in the boat and add weight to Chen and some good hearted people trying to lift that bloody heavy fibreglass pleasure cruisecraft! No wonder one guy besides us were saying this: "MORE MONEY THAN SENSE (cents)"... How true is that?! 2 words again... BLOODY IDIOTS!!!

Then, don't know if it's karma or what, say too much bad stuffs until Civic had some dramas. Got back to HQ to find that my brake pedal switch was faulty and basically when I step the brakes, the brake light is not working. KNNBCCB!!! Then, Chen told me my back tyre was looking a little flat and there it was, a nail was lodged on it! Second time happened man!!! DIU NA SENG leh.. Am I that unlucky??!! Anyway, all is now sorted when my mechanic fixed the light and repaired the tyre and it costs me like 10bucks for it. Phew!

Ok, enough of cry mother cry father.. Sms'ed rocky to see whether he finished his exams but he hasn't. So I went for a quickie to find that Le Montage was blowing hardout. Tried using Rock's cultiva mira shad for no touches and so moved down to longkang. Randomly whacked on a 1g modded head even though wind was blowing like mad. Being a cheapskate lurer as always, I put on a superglued camo worm and 1st cast got a small bream. Sweet, found out where they are. Changed the worm as it was broken during the 1st tussle. Put on another superglued worm and this time round, felt a solid bite and strike it. Ho seh liao.. Zzzzzz and ran like almost the previous biggun I got few days back. But this one felt heavy and the line was going surface. Best of all, one run was going right, the next run it went left... Orgase man! Although the banks there easy to reach the fish but this one gave me some drama trying to body-lift it but in the end no choice but to use the gripper.

SONG SONG GAU JURONG my pb at Le Montage going at 39cm. But bloody hell this biggie posed the same drama in releasing I had face awhile back in Glebe. It didn't wanna swim away and it looked pretty lifeless just before I put it back in the water. I had made sure it wasn't out of the water for too long but somehow it was quite weak. After long efforts trying to revive it and looking at it swimming a little sideways, it managed to kick away to the depths after almost more than 5 minutes struggling. Phew! The wind was blowing like no tommorrow and so called it quits when no more bites were registering.


Monday, November 19, 2007

Tua Tao Likes Gulp?!

Brought a fellow Singaporean to Iron Cove for some luring recently. It's been awhile since I've fished my usual stretch. With a hot and sunny afternoon, I was presuming that the flatties would be the common catch at those conditions. The water now in the harbour is unusually warm and it seems that those post-spawn flatties should be coming out to play. On the first cast with a used watermelon bm, a small flattie had already climbed onto it, ah... the first-cast-kena-fish feeling at IC... Then, those cheebye toads are out in full force also, nipping away the precious tail section. Whacked on a Gulp minnow in nuclear chicken colour (which wasn't my favourite gulp to use) on the Nitro 1/24 size 2 head that Chen had bought me from Kmart with the 25% discount. Few casts later at 'flathead avenue' I had a bite and then follow straight-up by a snag?! Shit, no matter how I flick it it won't budge, thought there goes my 1dollar jighead! But when I try to wank it out, it did free up! There was something though and I thought it might be those ugly 'brainthing' coral. to my surprise, a Tua Tao (some sort of Aussie clam) had 'eaten' (yup, EATEN!) my Gulp!

Hahahahahahahaha.... WTF?! It was clamping onto my jighead tightly and I'm pretty sure I didn't actually foul hook it, the jighead was inside the bloody tua tao! Used the plier to crack the shell around the nitro to free up the poor gulp as this bloody tua tao didn't wanna release my Gulp! Funnily, it was pulsating when I was holding it, definitely VERY ALIVE!!! New specie on plastic for me man!! Hahahahaha... XO pipis, anyone? Hahahaha...

Well, the tail of the gulp was snipped off so a change to hardbody instead. Put on Rocky's Cultiva Mira Shad and worked near Jialiang's 'Slopy Slope' and BANG! A flathead jumped out from nowhere and it was putting on a good show. A few line peeling run and finally a good fish of 46cm on this lure for me.

Released the bugger and went over to slopy slope for no touches. Then onto 'little window' with a bloodworm grub for nothing as well. Moved further down to jewfish exercise area for a substantial quiet period. It was hot and the action wasn't coming on for quite sometime. Whilst I was twitching my new watermelon bm and chilling out under a tree, the lure was surprisingly taken out of the sudden. The next thing I know Stradic was singing like no tommorrow. The run was long, and I can confidently timed it for around 7 seconds, which had me thinking it might be a mullet? Cos' the line was going surface and going outwards. Drag tightened abit as it was at the usual 'I can pull it with normal strength' tension. Then, it was still able to do another long run after the pause that allows me to tighten the drag. Zzzzzz.... si bei song ah!!! I was hoping it to be mullet as I've never caught a big one but to my surprise after gaining the line back towards the surface, a bream! From the water view I thought it was an average size but once put on the lie detector, 35cm to the tip bream made him/her the best bream fight I've had the privilege to enjoy on the Loomis. Yeehar!

That was somewhat the highlight for that session but I would say the tua tao was the most funny. Not many flatties that I thought I might get but still beats working! Tried the drain briefly but nothing was registering. Called it quits as we were burnt enough.


Friday, November 16, 2007

The Incredible Hawg

Sigh... nowadays doing really bad on the luring front. Either my stupid Yamatoyo line gets wind knots or it suddenly breaks when it cuts through itself. KNNBCCB super fuctup line! Anyway, the fishies aren't cooperating at all. Few occasions I've suddenly rekindled to use a soft plastic that has been discontinued ages ago and that's the Berkley 2 inch hawg which shapes like a bug. Quite similar to the Ecogear Bugant but I reckon the hawg has better action. Rigged on the watermelon hawg once and tried it around the Le Montage area. Only managed one decent hit and a eye-hook experience once again! But this time round it was a good size Silver Biddy.

Poor bugger got hit quite near the fleshy part of the eye but missed the eye ball though, so not sure if it's ok. But anyway that sums it up pretty much for that session. Can't even recall what other fishes I've got as I haven't blogged for quite sometime.

On another occasion, thought I'll revisit the Cooks after numerous failed expeditions over there. Oh well, pretty much the same story. Hit all my favourite spots without any touches at all. Saw quite a few mullets cruising by and man... some of them are huge! Too bad no bread on me but even so, it'll be hard to keep the bread at the zone as the river is all the time moving. Just as I was about to head back to the car which is parked quite near to a drain which I got my cooks-pb previously, I saw a school of bream just hanging around the drain mouth! It was interesting to be able to see them up close and personal and they weren't even skittish! Yes, for the 1st time I could see though the water in Cooks as surprisingly the quality was clear. As I had the 1/22 Gama rigged on already, thought I'll quickly change to the hawg and walk a distance down away from the drain. Lightly cast the lure as close as possible to the drain mouth and voila, successful! Quickly on the drop I've already felt taps but I wasn't in a hurry as I had wanted to watch the line instead. Twitch... twitch... and the line went taut! Striked and I was on... Zzzz a few times and I could feel some weight. Thought it's a half decent fish and indeed it was, a 30cm.

Quickly release the fish and tried again. Nothing else interested in the lure and that was it. Sneakily walked up to the drain mouth and still a few smallies hanging around but they weren't interested in the lure anymore. Changed to the bloodworm wriggler on lighter head but that was it. Did however manage a 40cm flattie on the wriggler. Called it quits as the flies were swarming me like no tommorrow.


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

First Trolling Experience

It has been a very very long time since I've been on Brooker and the time had come after so many dramas trying to get on the water to test out Chen's new Tohatsu (toey) motor. As I wasn't rostered for Myer the last weekend, all we had to make sure is wake up at the bloody ungodly hour! Luckily this time we stood the test and managed to pull ourselves out from bed. Launched at Tunks this time with no dramas. Why I said that was because the last occasion when we wanted to test toey, the bloody mechanic screwed up the steering! Yup, the moment we left the pontoon, we wanted to go left, the boat goes right! FUCK! Luckily all's good and with a little mental challenge, we got back to the pontoon safely, thank god! Took quite awhile to get the mechanic to fix up the problem but all's good now as we need to begin the 10 hour first service run. Because it's a new motor, we needed to do the pre-run service thingy and so to keep a good compression, it had to be run at only super slow speed! Yup, that's like going at less than 10 knots kind of speed! But on Sunday, we had brought bait and the usual stuffs to fish and the only thing was getting to the spot late. Anyway, when passing slowly through Balmoral, I thought why not give trolling a try. Quickly used the Blackhole and clipped on a Berkley Frenzy Firestick minnow which could dive to about 3m. After trolling for some distance, we both noticed the rod tip was behaving funny and true enough, a fish was on the other end. Sweet! My first troll-caught tailor just barely legal. After Balmoral, there was no more action, even when Chen went slower past Middle head.

Got to our bait fishing ground and it was totally dead. Burley hard out for less than 45 minutes and practically we packed it up. We didn't have our anchor with us but the water wasn't making brooker drifting at all. Anyway Chen had to work in Myer in the arvo and so we packed up early since the trip back is painfully slow. Took us about an hour plus just to come from Tunks! Did the usual and whacked on the Berkley minnow behind brooker. Troll past middle head, nothing. Troll past Balmoral, nothing. Then, as we were passing Clontarf, almost coming to the Spit, that's when Blackhole did the thing we haven't been hearing for awhile... Zzzzzzz... (to tell the truth, my fuctup Daiwa Samurai reel's drag is kaput). Picked up the rod and felt some weight and I called for a good fish. Only hung on for like few seconds before the thing went limp... KNNBCCB!!!! What was that?! Both of us felt super gutted but that's FISHING! Oh well, continue the troll past the Spit for nothing. Then the same thing happened again when we were out of the Spit, Zzzzz... pick up... and then throw hooks! Shit, the trebles in fact is quite rusty since it was a cheapo lure from BigW. Continue trolling and within moments, Zzzz... and this time NO HORSE RUN! Caught a tailor of about 34cm and released it. Just as we were about to move off, Chen saw some birds working on the surface and indeed there was a small boil. Motored over there but the troll didn't catch anything. Chen stopped the boat and I did some random casting as the boils can't be seen and the bird weren't there anymore. What do you know, as I could feel some hits on the far cast but as soon as it was almost reaching the boat, Zzzz... and got a good hookup, another 30+ tailor. After that cast, it went quiet. The water was by the way quite chocolaty in colour due to the recent storms. No wonder there's heaps of tailors around. Then, time to move off and just when I fired a cast behind brooker to continue trolling, it only took a matter of seconds before the reel goes Zzzz... What?! That fast?! This was a good fish but as usual, tailors only do short bursts. This was my best tailor taken on trolling! Forgot my camera so it was taken on Chen's mobile phone.

Finally get to use the BRAG MAT! Ha! Released all the fishes but if we had a smoker we would have tapao them, hehe. That was it and the troll past the 4 knot zone towards the ramp didn't produce anymore fishes. Asked some other fishos at the ramp and they did it tough as well. Good weather but the fishing front was not that spectacular. Secured brooker and made our way back to HQ. Luckily we were still on time for the last brekkie at maccas and so we went to get our usual feed which we hadn't done for a long long time since brooker was out of action. Damn it, didn't know trolling was so much fun!!!


Friday, November 09, 2007

Various Fishy Stuffs

With the current rainy periods now ongoing, there's not much I can do about heading out, well, which is good, considering I can focus on doing some other stuffs like... FINDING JOBS!!! Lol.. Anyway, I've been itching to try out a new plastic just released recently. It's the Squidgy Pro Range series of soft plastic lures which is developed for tournament fishing in mind. They even included a packet of scent inside the bag which is called 'S-Factor'. Stupid concept I reckon, cos' it's not re-sealable (I meant the S-Factor sauce) and had to put it into another empty squidgy pack. Cos' they said you can't empty the sauce into worms. Yeah, I called it the 'SAUCE'...

I bought the 'WORMS' which is about 3inch in lengths and it had a curly tail behind?! Where in the world you can find this sort of worms in real life?! Anyway, the plastic smell like China-plastics to me and the 'sauce' had no jackshit smell at all! Tried it once and bloody hell it casts like shit, even worse than the Gulp worms. Put the sauce on my tango once and not a single hit. KNNBCCB costs me $10 a pack which I bought it in Compleat at Dymocks building during my Myer's lunchtime. No choice, bought it already, so just keep hammering it.

Last Sunday after work, Chen bro asked for a flick during the outgoing. Rucked up with him and another short deliberation we headed to JM's bream spot. The wind was from behind and although quite a windy day, it was quite alright over there. First few casts already there were ferocious bites and the gulp worm was soon destroyed. The water was low and quite dirty after the rains but the fishies seemed hungry. Unfortunately, the hot bites were on for a brief moment and we struggled to hookup the bites whilst loosing quite a few rigs to that bloody snaggy spot. I even had a moment of snagging my new tango quite far out which got me real worried. Luckily a few persistant flicks it managed to get out and feeling gutsy about it, I fired another cast. This one came up triumph and scored the biggest bream so far for this tango.

Only a 29cm but it made a good account of itself. Released the bugger and we called it quits as the water was super low and the darkness had completely fallen. Packed it up and went for our nasi campur fix at Randwick.

The Australian Fishing Championships Series 5 is here again showing on Channel 10 every Saturday (whilst I'm working in Myer KNNBCCB!!!). Luckily this bugger in Youtube uploaded every episodes so I wouldn't miss it eventually even though I had borrowed a VCR to record it from TV.

LC Tango

Just click on the following link to get to his 'videos' page and choose the episodes to watch:

==> afcseries5's video collections

Man... so far Tim 'the bream' Morgan is relegated from next series bream rounds. Maybe he lost the touch already, too focused on Bass.


Monday, November 05, 2007

Last Ditch Efforts Before Big Storms

The weather is forecasted to be the shit-iest ever next week due to the seasonal change in weather patterns. We (fishos of sydney) all know that once this shit hits, there's gonna be crazy winds (30+ knots) and thunderstorms (or never ending rains). With that excuse, meself ducked out for some quickies. Lately I've been having this bad run-off of decision making for spots and it has always been frustrating before the setting-off. On Thursday, made the move to Le Montage in the mid afternoon to catch the incoming tide after serious hesitations in deciding the arena. The wind was moderately blowing from behind but I stayed up close and personal to the canal targeting the pylons as tightly as possible. Casting lightly weighted 1grammer heads rigged with a powerbait grub in the pseed colour. Within a few casts later, a small flattie was caught. This was followed by another bigger flattie of legal size after a few more casts near the pylons. But with the expected dangers of casting near these structures, it snagged. Crazy shits growing underneath these pylons are what attract fishes to lay ambush for their preys, effective hunting ground, deadly on tackles.. KNNBCCB!!!

Next up, changed to bigger stickbaits and used the berkley dropshot minnow in watermelon rigged onto another modded berkley head. Employed the normal twitching method and right on the outgoing tide, the lure was taken on a drop. Didn't put up an impressive fight but it sure put a good looking bend on the Loomis. As the water there is renowned to be quite high even on a low-ish tide, I could easily manage to cradle the fish up from the water.

Measured 33cm and now quite obsessed with taking 'cradle' shots. kekeke... (bloody hell, i didn't smile) Easily released the bugger and continued for awhile more. Few casts later, a flattie took the lure and decided to headshake all the way to the bank. Quite a good size flattie easily over the 40 mark but 5lb Nitlon leader don't mix well with their teeths. Pop'ed goes the leader! Called it quits after trying out the Cultiva Mira Shad with no takers at all. Packed up early knowing that Myer is on later to torture me.

With an off day on Friday, I was determined to get my fix before this impending crap weather. Was contemplating whether to try for blackfish at Greenwich as I'm kinda sick of chasing breams (or more likely lure fishing). Well, with serious considerations and too much deliberation, I still think a lure bag and rod is after all a much easier and quick way for fishing. With a cloudy day and a northerly blowing, I thought I'll give it a go at five dock bay. My intentions was to try surface poppering. Casted out the Strikepro Rack popper and after a few popping actions, the only recorded missed strike was quite splashy! Bugger it that it didn't get connected. That was it, and being quite a tiring thing to do, I switched to softies instead. Whacked on the watermelon Gulp jiggin' grub and what do you, another eye-hooking experience again!

Luckily it missed the eyeball. What an odd shaped bream, isn't it?! Released the poor bugger immediately and continued but it didn't take quite long before I was connected again and this time round, a respectable fight was earned.

Measured only a mere 30cm but what a hoot it has given me. Did the 'cradle' thing again! hehe.. Kept seeing mullets teasing me near the water surface even though there were heaps of rubbish around. The wind started to pick up in strength and I thought I'll changed to hardbodies. The tide was getting low but still a good size flattie wouldn't mind jumping onto my SX40.

Managed another smallish whiting on the sx before moving over to the starting point where I did the poppering. Bloody hell... snagged the sx I was using and for a brief moment I thought I couldn't get it out even with the TackleBack lure retriever! But after some persistence, it managed to come out, phew! Called it quits and headed home looking more and more like an Indian kid! Tamade!


Friday, November 02, 2007

New Tango

Have been monitoring eBay all the time for one of my favourite lure and that's the Lucky Craft Tango and being an only special 2002 release, it's no longer made. Didn't wanna pay so much for buy-it-now prices as well as those available in online webshops, I made sure it was bidding at a price I feel cheap enough (including postage). So, the chance came when I bid for one of the trout colours which happens to be from the US of A.

Cost me about $12 AUD which was ok but the bloody seller charges me like $7 USD for postage and also another 8% extra for paypal charges. What a rip-off considering the postage stamp that I saw was only for $1.40?! And it was poorly wrapped but luckily the lure came in good condition. But nonetheless, I was impressed that the lure was like in new condition. Anyway, enough of whinging, I had to test it! Modded it as usual to turn a suspender to a floater. Went on a random night session down at Glebe after Myer and it was already past outgoing tide after an hour or so. Took quite sometime before the lure had a pussy take and was devirginised by a smallie bream. Another 2 flatties climbed onto the lure before everything went quiet and the tide was low.

Not satisfied with the results this new tango had performed, another random trip was made down at Iron Cove on quite a windy night. Tried a new spot seeing that the wind wasn't doing any good from the sideways. Thought I might as well cast against it. Not too bad with the internal weight transfer and this spot was quite well lit too. Again, took quite awhile before the 1st fish climbed on it and turns out to be a good size flattie engulfing the lure. Luckily the leader wasn't directly near the teeth. A small whiting liked the tango too before it became quiet and I ducked over to Le Montage. Persist for a few more cranks only to land 2 small breams before calling everything quits.

Not what I had expected from this new tango since the 1st one I owned snagged me a 67cm flattie on the first few casts. Oh well, guess I had to have more faith in this one.

LC Tango
