Been doing the odd luring here and there and I must say it's making my fishing more and more dull (can u believe it?!). There would be times when I'm heavily contemplating on going for other sorts of fishing but then the thought of travelling and let alone carrying gears and baits has really put me off on numerous occasions. Anyway, the most easiest of all is to simply lug on my backpack and sling my loomis out for a nearby quick fix. Last Friday saw me heading out super early to catch the first light on an incoming tide. Went to HC bay to bask in the morning glory. Well, long story short. Nothing spectacular except I was trialing a new Lucky Craft lure, the EB-R 50S shrimp look-alike lure that's sinking (yup, sinking, I'm going to that direction). On the 1st drop, within a few cranks, there was a take and fish was on. Easily came in and a small bream was landed. Well, just as I was bringing up on the land and ready to take a photo, the bream fell off the treble and within a few back flips, off it goes back to the drink! Fwah... spewing man! No photo, no proof... After a disappointing showing, I decided a change of arena for the outgoing. Have heard about Brays bay at Rhodes and even fished once before with Rocky at night but didn't get anything so I thought I'll go check it out. Long story short, even more struggling than at HC but still managed some small flatties and a small bream so decided to take a pic with some backdrops.
The water there is simply dirty to da max. As it is just next to Homebush bay and is so inwards from the Parramatta river, no wonder the water seemed more silty. Seriously wouldn't mind popping in again albeit it's kinda far. Bloody Myer rostered me for a mere 4 hours of work in the afternoon on Saturday and thought I'll just do a quickie in the morning. Left for IC seeing that it's nearer and also the wind was kinda blowing southerly. Tried the usual rowing club stretch briefly for a few smallish flatties before my 1st snagging of the size 2 nitro jighead, DIU! Then, switched over to the longkang and tried precision casting and using the outgoing tide to work the lures. Bang.. bang.. bang.. and a few flatties and small breams hit the bank. One particular bream was taken parallel to the pylon and what a visual it was seeing it came from the depths to chase the camo worm and whoolf it down in one lightning action. The only highlight was a good size flattie at 47cm taken virtually just below my feet.
That sums it up pretty much for that morning and off to work in a measly 4 hours at Myer. Back in HQ, Chen sms'ed me for a night op and I gladly obliged. With the high at approximately 9pm, we left for Le Montage just right near to dusk. Chen was first up with a good size flattie that ran super hardout on his Tierra. He was full of respect for that flattie and it was soon my turn to give the same respects for the flatties there. My last piece of camo worm was taken and the next thing I know, Zzzzz off it goes and the pressure on Loomis was great, which had me thinking it probably was a good bream. But alas it turns out to be a good mid 40s flathead.
Had another eye-hooking experience on a small bream and the poor bugger suffered quite a bad injury. Chen hit onto another flathead also in the high 40s which seemed to be bigger than his 1st but didn't run hardout, that's the problem! Changed to the trout tango and scored a kamikaze flattie and also a small tailor before we called it quits for a maccas feed.
Since I had to take leave for this coming Thursdays as my parents will be arriving in Sydney for my Friday's graduation ceremony (YEEHAR!!! FINALLY!!!), my roster was changed to Sunday and with 160% payload, it's good to work for the extra dole. Came back and was buggered the rest of the day and basically chilled out with friends in college at night. Had thought about going for blackfish on Monday morning but canned the idea as I wanted to sleep-in.. hehe.. With the multitudes of bait activity I saw at the longkang, I went back again to fish the outgoing instead. Arrived just on the top of the tide and began sussing out activities. Caught a small bream on the first cast with a used worm before it was made short work by you-know-who. Changed to the bloodworm wriggler which I haven't been using much at this arena and also I've run out of the faithful gulp worm. Think I got a flattie near the pylons and things got interesting when I prospect the open waters. Knew that the water was starting to run hardout and the bites were getting ferocious even on a non-scented wriggler. Time to megastriked the plastic hardout and that's when the spot I found the ferocious bites turned into a solid hookup. Zzzz off it goes on the first run and straight up I felt the rod load and knew it's a good fish. Didn't run that hardout like the previous good fishes but at least this one was easier to lip grip.
Roughly went 36cm (didn't put the fish on the measure properly) cos' I was disarrayed with the camera running out of battery and the clumsiness while handling the fish which at the same time I was concerned about its wellbeing. Luckily still could squeeze 2 photos before the camera could no longer turned back on! Yup, that means no more pics can be taken if I happen to get a good fish?! Anyway, who cares, just fish lah! After releasing that bugger, I continued hitting that spot which required pretty long cast. The wriggler on 1g modded head was smashed yet again but this one gave me some curry and I could feel a decent weight. It ran to the pylon and I could straight up feel the yamatoyo line rubbing the concrete! Put more drag and moved away as far as I could to turn the bugger out and luckily it got my message and moments later, fight was over. Tamade... only a smallish barely legal bream but what a fight it put up! The wriggler couldn't withstand the bane of the sea and got chewed up later on. Didn't score anymore fish and thought that the 2 meter tide had receded to quite low and so pack it all up.