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Saturday, March 01, 2008

The Darkest Moment(s)

Have you ever encounter the time when you felt the feeling of dreadfulness? I called it my darkest moment(s) as being evident the last few days when you're about to leave a place where you have practically live almost a quarter of your current life. That place I was about to leave for good (or supposedly) was Sydney, Australia. ( wah lao eh... DIU lah ronald... why u so dramatic one?! ) Ok ok, yes, as promised earlier in my posting, I would post some pics up of my last fishing days in Sydney. There's actually quite a few but I'll just start on the last 3 or 4 days for the first preview. As it has been too long, can't really remember the details so I'll roughly let the pictures do the talking. As I was gonna fly on a Sunday, took some time out from packing on a Thurs and went for a fish. Not sure if I was contemplating to lure or to nig but from the pic, I guess I went niggering instead. So, as usual, pack my small little niggering bag with the essentials and head down to usual place. Also can't remember what tide I was fishing on but guess it was always a little on the high and most on the outgoing. Not a bad little session as I manage to land another biggie that measured 39cm on my Myer measuring tape. The session ended with 2 nice blackies and so tried really hard to take a pic of twins-cradle shot, lol...

Friday don't know why no pictures, oh, I know why, that day was raining cats and dogs and also I had to bring my stuffs to the shipping centre to send back to Singapore. Bloody hell I found out that it was a rip-off to send stuffs back as I had spent $300+ on some things which I don't know if I'll use in SG! KNNBCCB!!! Ok, enough of whinging. Came Saturday and Chen came to find me in a messy room when I was in the midst of last-minute packing. We supposedly had prior arrangement to go out on Brooker for the last time but guess we must have slept in again, lol.. Anyway, came the afternoon and due to my stupid last minute trip out getting a portable hard disk to store my stuffs from Uni (not porn ah!), I was late to meet for a niggering session. Anyway, we still went ahead amidst it's gonna be a short one. That was a bloody tough last niggering session in fact, bloody Sydney didn't wanna co-operate well! But with persistence, the 'down' finally came after being there for 30mins and I landed my last blackie in Sydney, phew!

Not big but a very satisfactory feeling that this would be the one that send me off! Lol... Later that night, the St Mike gang held a farewell dinner thingy. Came Sunday, and what do you know, Chen said it was the last of the last and luring was on the agenda. I didn't sleep the night before as I was busy backing-up my uni stuffs and also the final packing of my things. Chen was also heading back to New Zealand for Chinese New Year and I promptly woke him up at 5am to do our first light luring at Cooks. His flight was at 11am and so he had to be in the airport by 9, see... how crazy is that?! Even though I didn't sleep the whole night, I was quite energetic and promptly reached Cooks just before dawn. Chen arrived shortly amid looking a bit 'steam', lol... As it had been raining hard few days ago, the water looked dirty with plenty of debris. It was when Chen's first cast was met with ferocious takes on his Gulp worm. Soon enough, we were right in the midst of a frenzy. Practically the whole stretch was full of hungry fishes as the rain had turned them on. I did had some solid takes and brief hookups but took me quite awhile to land my favourite fish of all-time, bream!

Only a tourny non-legal taken by the Gulp 2inch worm but hey, can't complain! The whole stretch seemed to only have these sized buggers and Chen was getting his good share of breams too. Not long later, got a slightly bigger one and decided to ask Chen help me take photo of my last pose with Mr Acanthopagarus Australis (don't know spell correctly a not).

Later on I had missed what could have been a biggie for last fish but just didn't materialise. Chen did hook up with one that nudge the 30 range which made it a special session with him, especially when the bites were hot! I even joked to him I'll wanna come back tommorrow and he said just call SQ and cancel flight... I WISH!!! Bid our painful farewell but hey, it's not the last lah... As what Arnie would say...




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