Steezy Went Mulleting
Thank goodness that my last shift for Myer was post-Boxing Day sale and I guess I will be resigning soon as they have been giving crap shifts to the casuals. Anyway, came Saturday, when me and Chen were supposed to do a harbour bash in the morning but as you would have guess it again, we slept in! So, we thought to ourselves can't waste the beautiful day since we're on holidays and so decided a flick should be in the cards. Was contemplating what spots to go when it's practically blowing the typical summer winds. I then suggested giving Cooks the go and picked a few northeasterly spots to choose which we eventually decided on Rocky's mullet spot. Told Chen about a nearby bakery joint and we rucked up there to get some old bread and some feed for ourselves. Reached spot to find ourselves surrounded by Habibs as usual for that place. We brought our lure outfits but ended up baiting with bread. Chen was busy burleying up our spot with bread and it didn't take long to see the slow sinking bread pieces got snatched up from our view by unidentified fishes! Rigged up my 4lb Toray with a gama hook that I always used in the Nepean. Put on a small piece of bread and was instantly taken by small breams. We did see the mullets began to slowly appear but not in those big schools that we sometimes saw while luring. Then, the best thing that could happen to an angler's ears happened! We both saw a piece of bread that I had baited up got harrassed by a few fishes but couldn't make out what shape and sizes they were. It wasn't until my line straightened and followed by my short yank of the Loomis that Steezy went completely berserk! It was absolutely the best moment we both were immersing in as the loud ratchety Zzzzz sound that steez could muster out was simply orgasmic to da max. Chen was saying that's gotta be a mad mullet. I was totally agreeing with him. But lo and behold... as soon as I could start gaining momentum and drag, the fish was slowly being coaxed in. It didn't show a long-ish shape fish but a bream instead! WTF??!! Took quite awhile to try and land it as we were fishing in really rocky terrain. Not a very long fish but you should have taken a look at its head, it was so wide that I had trouble trying to open my palms fully to grab it for my 'cradle' shoot, lol..
Measured 39cm but still not my pb at this spot. I still remember my 1st ever big bream on lure actually came from this spot. It was a 40cm fish and a truly memorable capture when I was still using my 1st lure outfit which was a SureCatch combo that if compared with the one I'm using now, definitely weighs a tonne. Released the bugger and thanked it for giving steezy a bloody good workout. And to think I actually told Chen that's how a big mullet runs! Lol.. But to be honest, we have yet to experience how good they can actually fight. Maybe we haven't met those 40+ to 50 ones but the ones we got that day were really unimpressive. We were both very doubtful as in how Rocky was lamenting that those at his spot were giving him good fun. No offence blo... but they really didn't sound like the ones you mentioned. Caught a fair few smallies with an exception of these two...
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