Work Sucks, Fishing Sucks More
I've to admit I'm under a considerable stress with my thesis writeup and the pressure to finish before the deadline. To give credit to my supervisor too for he is trying to help me but at the same time there's pressure to do experiments which I'm hating for it to take place as I'm really not confident that it'll work. And I thought fishing is supposed to relieve stress but seems like I haven't had any good session lately with many lost hookups and crappy weather.
Went to Wolli Creek on Sunday for a quick session seeming that Nancy's dinner kinda put me off. Quickly took my luring SBO and weapon out. The wind was blowing quite strong but sort of behind me. Nonetheless, seeing the water was kinda low, I gave the new SX40 a try and lo and behold, it caught a flattie on the 1st cast. It has properly been devirginise. But to think of it in a scary way, SX40 and flatties can't really mix, I've had instance when the other SX was swallowed almost fully in and they are renowned to slice the thin leader when they struggle.
Darryl (singaporean guy I met in fishingkaki) came from Port Macquarie and gave me a call to fish the next morning. I obliged and asked Justin along too. We went Iron Cove in the morning for a lousy session too, though the conditions were all perfect. I got a few flatties nothing much to brag about though had my first IC pinkie snapper on a bloodworm grub on the 1st cast.
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