Strictly Breaming
These days I must have gotten the bream poison. Kept on exclusively targetting breams. Anyway, Chen hasn't been luring for a very long time so he gave me a sms and we headed out for a short morning session. 1st up was Hen & Chicken Bay and the tide was still coming in. Whack the spot hard but only to get our sandworms raped. Tried the SX nobody likes. Only managed smallish breams walking towards the end of the bay, and I told Chen that luring seems better at the end of every f#&kin bay! Suddenly the sky turned dark pretty fast and we had to scoot to my car and the exercise was cut short, basket!
On the way back the rain stopped. Just when I was around Iron Cove, I told Chen let's give the drain a go. He was using the "Natural" sandworms and doing the slow roll. There was a big take and I could hear his Tierra "zzz" awhile! He missed yet again as it did also happen while at HC earlier. As the water was too high, my SX probably wasn't at the strikezone. So I still continued with the worms and eventually got rewarded with a 28cm bream which pulled some line.
Went to the IC drain yet again by my own for a 2 hour session before work. The night before I've been using superglue to join up the shredded worms so that it could be re-used. It's cheapskate but the plastics don't come cheap. Managed to make 3 worms after trimming here and there and so they got the start. On the 1st cast of the re-used worm, I got a just legal bream I reckon. Not bad for a start. But as expected, the 3 worms didn't last long for any other hookups. Luring is definitely an expensive hobby! Tried the bloodworm grub for a smallish bream and soon later it lost it's tail! Changed to SX but the outgoing tide doesn't make the lure swim straight! Use a 3" pseed bm only to have its tail bitten off in just a few casts! Basket! I'm so fed-up with these shits kept happening! Almost decided to call it quits just after an hour but kept going at the adjacent spot of the drain. The wind was slightly blowing at me but didn't deter my cast much. On a drop, I registered a bump and started winding it in thinking it might have been a leaf or something. Then, a run occurred and suddenly the surface exploded! But the line was loose and thought the fish had unhooked, I was like WTF??!! I then reeled in sadly but suddenly the line got straightened and Kixy was singing hardout. The fish went below the metal railings beside the floating debris cage. I could feel the 6lb leader rubbing against railings. My heart was pumping and I was madly challenged to steer the fish out and back off the drag. Luckily these few actions made the fight a truly memorable experience rather than fighting a fish in open water. Soon, it got tired and I lifted a 33cm bream out. The leader was badly chaffed.
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