GTK Has Left The Building!!!
Yes, my fishing buddy cum part-time BB partner cum sinkapolean friend has decided to leave the building. After knowing him for a year plus liao I must say he will be sadly missed as my fishing master and competitor. Sadly??!! Damn BB leh!
He damn steady one, say he need to farewell fish so I on him. Actually wanted to go boating but that hirer now pattern more than badminton close shop on monday and tuesday so no choice opt for GTK's favourite land based spot which he self declare damn loud in my video say: "I LOVE IRON COVE MAN!" Win liao lor!
The day before, I needed to get Justin's 6 cans of stimulate spray so a trip was made to this tackle shop at Matraville. End up coming out of the shop $180 poorer! KNNBCCB! Me and Chen both share to buy the LineSystems 4lb PE braid and also their 6lb squid leader. Also got a can of squid attractant spray for the squid jig call Egimax.
Went off the next morning to IC with Chen and also meeting Jialiang and Patrick there. We got there 1st at first light and it was still very dark around 5+! We spooled the braid lines the night before till very late and thus definitely not enough sleep. Tied on the new squid leader and feeling not confident about the knot strength of these 2 new lines, I opted to use the cheap Daiso crank lure I got from Singapore. 1st few casts got nothing but as we moved away from the rowers club building, I got a small take and a super duper small bream ate that lure! It has been de-virginised!
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