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Thursday, July 12, 2007

Best Session So Far

It has been quite awhile since I've done those last light luring and seeing that the high tide was around the 4 to 5pm timing (those are the times when it get dark in winter nowadays), I knew I had to get out! Well, provided the wind's cooperative too! On a side note, Phil told me recently that he admires how motivated I am when it comes fishing, as in, I can do it so regularly, like an undying hobby. Fair enough, I never knew this 'hobby' can stick with me so long, I liked to call it more as a "passion". But it struck me hard when it comes to more serious stuffs like maybe I'm doing it too obsessive?! That's probably how my thesis can be in crisis... However, I reckon it's the only thing to keep me occupied as well as the best stress-reliever in life for me. Fishing is not everything in my dictionary for sure. Ok, enough of babbling...

Got back to my room around 3pm and was taking some time to ponder which spot to go to! Have been disappointed a lot of times before at Hen and Chicken bay and wasn't that confident about going there on winter. Then, quick look at the winds and seemed that the only go-to-spot is the one I'm afraid to be at! Think here think there think everywhere and finally, argh.... Go HC bay lah! Stupid me, think so much think until the time already quite late by the time I drive there and bash to the spot, the water was already quite high. Use soft plastic first and don't know why I feel I wanted bloodworm bm instead of my usual watermelon when using 1/32oz jighead. Cast cast cast nothing leh! The cb puffers are still quite prolific in winter, got give a few chomps on the bm tails and body but luckily the plastic still intact. Saw a step nearby and cast my way till there. While standing on the steps near the water surface, finally scored one on a pretty far cast! Line peeling from the kix and the usual orgasm was felt. Measured at 33cm to tip, and 30cm to fork (why so tournament minded?!) KNS!

After recently re-watching the AFC dvds rocky had returned me, I knew I had to try back those bloodworm squidgy wrigglers. Still remember my 1st lure-caught fish was a bream on those wrigglers. But the second pack I have is the faded bloodworm colours, not as red as the last pack I owned. I was near a sunken tree and there were millions of small tiny baits around the banks and snags. I rigged the wriggler on a modded Berkley jighead which I managed to make the weight 1.09gram... hehe... I HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO RIGHT?! ARGH!!! So, copycat those 'pro' AFC guys by bouncing the wriggler. Fwah, 1st cast and I'm on liao! Tamade... drag too loose! Zzzzzzz and by the time I tightened and walk away from the sunken tree, SANGKUT?!! Sianz... this time, my mind tell me (ok ronald, free spool liao). So I did that and then close bail arm again, play some guitar and kept the line tensionless... moments later, fish came out! Zzzzz again for a shortwhile and then... SANGKUT AGAIN!!! Cannot be lah! No choice, keep calm and did the same ol'. Fwah, luckily the fish gods smiled on me and that bream cooperated. This time make no mistake, drag tightened and basically walk away from the snag and skull drag that farker. Still got some guts left but never give chance, I hurriedly pull out the lip grip and dare-devilish stand on the slope banks and lipped that bugger up. Hmm... another 33cm...

Walked down to the nearby steps and released. Wah lan, I did mention earlier why I was scared to bash into this spot right? Cos' got golf balls flying around! Out of nowhere one came shoot into the tree and ploop into the water! Scary man! Always watching my back! Ok, cannot waste anytime, I feel the breams are all around the snag! Fwah, really true man! Following casts have some near miss and lost hookups! Apply more and more megastrike pizza scent and then score liao! This time make no more mistake, drag already quite tight and this farker wanted to go back hidey tree log. Skull drag and the Zzzzz was even more song... orgase... Land that bugger same fashion and what do you know... 33cm again! Deja Vu??!!

Man... now really is challenge to da max liao. Can't believe can get three times thirty three! Sky getting quite dark liao, cannot waste time. But then, to take all those shots with me in the picture, I have to crudely improvised by placing the camera on the top of my bag. Knn, one mistake and the camera fell while trying to snap a 10sec delay pic! Fwah, heart pain siah! Luckily still can turn on amid some really bad scratches on the camera housing, phew! No.. NO.. NO... cannot waste anymore time mucking around camera. Chop chop curry pok and make more casts. The wriggler was already to the point of cannot stay well on the jighead. Being cheapskate, I rig it on the other side.. haha! No problems whatsoever, another Zzzzzz from Kix. Same spot, same technique of landing it and this bream measured better, 36cm, song ah!

After her release, it was really dark. Seemed like the wriggler had no more customers. Changed to LuckyCraft Tango for a hit and a lost hookup, sianz... Stomach hungry liao and so called Phil out for dinner at Taiwanese.

Before this session, I did go down to Iron Cove for a look see. Brought out Stradic and got a 40cm flathead to take picture with. Actually I did christen the reel on the 1st outing with JM but only had flatties so never took picture.

Then, whilst at the drain, I had a fight on a gulp grub. This fish took line like nobody business and went out, came back, go left, came back, and go right... NO... it was going to the drain flotation thingy! Next thing I knew before I could tighten anymore drag, PIAK! Heart pain ah!!! What kind of fish swim like that?! KNNBCCB!!! But Shimano's reel the clicker damn loud, zzzzz... hear until damn song!

One more flattie picture I forgot to mention earlier in the same session at HC. Actually the first fish that climbed onto the wriggler was a pesky flathead the same size as the IC one.

After that... it was SONG SONG GAO JURONG! Hahahahaha...



Blogger Raymond Yau said...

Hmm, I went through some old Japanese magazines of mine, and came across the Tango a few days back, and wanted to get one or two.

Where did you get yours?

9:53 AM

Blogger Ron Chew said...

From ebay mate. Wide wobble (now i know why they're named as tango dancing), loud rattles. Paint job is a bit shitty though, mine is almost stripped to transparent. Sort of confidence lure now. GET IT!

11:56 AM


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