"Hip Hop Curry Pok" Bleaming
I said Tues and Wed got go fishing right? Then what am I doing on Thurs? No life equals what? No choice, go bleaming again... pathetic... Ok, last time I claim to say never buy lures again, backside itchy I still kept lurking around eBay. Told ya.. backside itchy.. Don't worry.. 3 dollars only (ONLY?!)
Mod the lure after coming back from lunch with Phil's dad at Newtown Thai. After a small nap, I went to sure-fire spot again. Water was pretty low even though I opted to get there a bit later, but still, can try lah. Gave the new lure it's first test swim, not bad, action quite sexy for a Fat Boy Jr Crankbait. This lure actually looked like those $2 Daiso lures I got in Singapore, but better finishing. 3rd casts rolling the lure vertically next to the snag, Bang... I'm ON! Zzzzzzzzzz..... then.... Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.... then... Zzzzzzzzz.. Zzz.. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.... Fwah, really a not?! Drag tightened more, skull drag away and I knew it should be safe by now. On closer look by now, shite! Quite longish-shape bream near the bank. Luckily nearby got steps, but took quite awhile to body-lift this bugger.
Not everyday sunday you can catch biggies, so, more pictures.. hehe..
Seemed that everyone has 'release' fish videos, I also want! Again.. not everyday sunday you get to release a 42cm bream, right?
After mucking around so long with this bream, it's time to resume fishing. Continued with this Fat Boy Jr for nothing else. It was starting to get dark, time for sp'ing. The surface commotion had started. I thought about doing the "BLAIRWITCH" thing again but should see if there's any hookup before making a fool of myself. Soon, a small bream climbed onto the bloodworm wriggler, though small but good sign, THEY ARE FEEDING LIKE MAD!
Ok, set my camera on the bag, made sure got a good angle of meself and then, it's time to hang on! (well, for me lah, of course!) Actually the hookup only occurred after 1 minute and 49 seconds..
Was really surprised to get such a good size bream on my personal action vid shot by yourself truly (actually credit goes to my lure bag, hehe). No time wasting, quickly get a few still shots..
There you go, 35cm bream taken on yet again, the bloodworm wriggler on a modded jighead with plenty of pock marks. SONG AH!!! I said I wanted to take the release video but tamade, camera no more battery liao! Wah lao eh.. No more hollywood for me, my little celebrity world has collapsed. By then, it was really dark. I did manage one more small bream on the wriggler before I switched to my... you guessed it... my night-time confidence lure! Whacked on the LuckyCraft Tango and proceeded to give it some swim in the dark. There were still plenty of hits, suggesting the breams are feeding well truly onto the dark. Got 3 more smallie breams (1 looked almost just legal) on the Tango. Since no camera, no pictures needed. It was kinda getting a bit cold and so I thought enough fun is enough. 7 breams in this session is quite ok in my books. Definitely a SONG SONG GAU JURONG session at sure-fire spot.
VERY nice!
5:48 PM
Wow, the action video was amazing! The bream climbed onto the lure pretty much as soon as the Wriggler had landed.
Also got to see your retrieve style a bit. I must say, you work lures much quicker than I do, but you seem to having quite a bit of success. My retrieve is 'sprinkled generously' with a LOT of pauses. I might try a quicker retrieve next time. It's probably why you don't get snagged so much using an exposed hook point. Because of my long pauses, the lure is usually on the bottom.
Top stuff.
1:30 PM
10 Q, 10 Q.. hehe.. glad u liked it. it's all for memory sake, no bleaming for me in singapore, sad..
1:54 PM
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