Sigh... NO LIFE man! Easter holidays got nothing better to do so no choice but to go luring! Was supposed to go boating with Chen to test run Brooker but stupid weather played on us! Anyway, on saturday night (that's right, saturday nite!), I was supposed to go coles and buy bread for burley. Had organised to go with Phillip at around 10ish and so looking at the clock, I couldn't resist to go for a 1 hour trial run of my modded EverGreen Mini Combat Crank. Crazy Ronald, it was actually still raining but still opted to head out in the intermittent rains. Reached Iron Cove and proceeded to rig up my evergreen under the shelter of the rowers club. Seeing as the rain has stopped, I quickly headed out and started casting. Few casts later near the structures, got a take and a smallish bream was landed. Lure de-virginised!
Then, rain pelted down and I quickly dashed back to the shelter. Waited for 10mins and the rain stopped. Went out and casted. Nothing this time. Rain came back again and I dashed back to the shelter. Crazy Asian! Third time out and by then, time was up. On the last cast, got a few hits but failed to connect. Mission acccomplished. End up didn't go coles as Chen called me and I told him it might rain tommorrow. Left for HQ and instead went to Maccas with Phillip.
Bullshit! Stupid forecast of "frequent showers" is bluff one! No rain in the morning! Chen was devastated man.. Never mind, I asked him for a lure session. We left for IC and it was kinda cloudy actually. Since it had been raining hardout for the past few days, we went to the drain. The high tide during the day now is pretty shit, with only sub-1m waters. Anyway, gave my tango a swim and on the 2nd cast, got a small flattie that likes to 'tango' too.
As the wind was soon 'at-my-face', we went over to Le Montage. 1st cast of my gulp grub and it was eaten straightaway on the drop! Too bad it was a flattie but it thrashed around quite well, and to top it off, it was a good legal size. Didn't bother to measure, besides, the moment I took out the lure, it slid itself off into the water. Chen got a flattie on his big-ass camo worm while I got another flattie later on. Got bored and decided to head off to my favourite Nasi Campur joint for our lunch fix. Went to FishFinder tackle shop and got a can of Egimax Glow, 2 packs of Decoy Snaps, 1 River2Sea static shad and 1 StrikePro Rack popper, a pack of gulp worms and end up coming out of the shop $57 poorer, KNNBCCB!!!
Easter Monday saw me yet again, NO LIFE! Go luring loh! It's been awhile since I've lured at Double Bay and also eager to try the popper. Got there around almost to high tide and tried soft plastics 1st. The sps got raped but tells me a good sign that at least there's fish around. Seeing that the sun was up and the water quite clear, I went for the EverGreen Spin Move Shad which still hasn't caught any fish yet. 1st cast of it with my new can of Stimulate spray, it got something. A small whiting almost the size of the lure ate it somemore on the back treble! Muahahaha...
Ok lah, can't complain, lure de-virginised! EverGreen hooyah! Few casts later, baby snapper also like to get a taste of Spin Move Shad. It really liked the treble, took it into it's mouth.
Bad thing about this lure is it will swim deep in matter of few cranks, because of it's sensitive weight transfer system. Diew na seng! Kept getting plenty of weeds and I have to 'high-stick' my rod to hopefully keep it away! Got sick of it and decided to changed to SX-40 in SA Tennesee Shad colour (damn fanciful colour names right?). Sprayed some stimulate and on the first cast, I got a heavy pull-in quite near my feet. At first thought it was a clump of weed as it didn't move at all. Once I pull it near to the surface, wah lao eh...!!! Numb Ray ah! KNNBCCB!!!
Somemore the treble is near it's big-ass mouth! Luckily never swallow the tiny sx full-on! Make me look like an idiot asian trying not to touch the numb ray while unhooking this bastard. Heard that if touch it barehand, will instantly give my an electric shock, that's why call NUMB ray mah! Finally managed to safely dehook it and I gave it a slight kick with my Crocs and sent it into the water again. Continued with the SX and got a good size flattie at 41cm.
Was contemplating to "packet" it for a feed but to keep up the GTK spirit of "I don't take fish when luring" (yah, right..), I sent it back to her home. As the SX was getting quiet, I finally changed to the lure I was meant to test-run. Gave the StrikePro popper and few throws but got nothing and also the wind was not favourable. Changed to Anglers Republic Rapid 45DSP and crank it faster than usual. Was boring for quite sometime but as soon as I moved to the area with less weed, I was rewarded with a super duper small pinkie. It was almost the same size as the lure!
Continued peppering the same spot without much major movements and on a particular slow retrieve, the Rapid was hammered pretty hard! Finally the kix decided to sing! At 1st thought, it might be a snapper. But as soon as it was near the beach, I could see an ok size bream! Made a few short bursts and finally coaxed it in for a snapshot.
Moved to near the swim baths area and on a slant cast, got a take which felt like gotten clump of weed or something. But turns out later the fight was distinctive of Mr Flathead. True enough, it was another good size flathead at 46cm!
All the trebles were stuck sideway of the flatties mouth, suggesting it might be a sideway attack on the lure. Nice, even though I was only using one treble. Imagine if I've kept these two flatties (double bay is clean mah), my meal is secured for the whole week! Damn!