Team StMike Finally Scored!
FINALLY!!! After so many many attempts, team stmike can proudly hold up these creatures of the deep for a victory shot! As usual, my fishing partner-in-crime gave the ops order for our weekend little getaway. We also wanted to make sure Brooker's motor was ok after making sure the fuel hose adaptor is the cause of last week's problem. All it need was a rubber band trick. We did the usual and left for Tunks early. Passed through the green marker and Chen fired up Evinrude. Yes, it performed well and no sweat at all, brooker, u beauty! Got to squid spot in a jiffy and started rigging up. This time the drift was tricky, and we had to motor around many times. It just made us more eager to invest on an electric. Suddenly saw a boat came up near to our usual spot and started anchoring?! WTF?! I thought can't anchor there? Anyway, they are whiskey oscar golfs so I guess they don't give a F. I was trying out a new rig with 2 faulty squid jigs my hey-day fishing friends donated to me. Made a paternoster out of the 2 jigs and they practically were useful because of the missing weights on them. Put on some deodorant for the jigs and on the first drop, I'd already registered some hits on the paternoster squid jigs! At one point, I thought I got something and slowly pull in the rig, only to see 2 squids chasing the two jigs! But alas, was unsuccessful in jagging them. The drift was too dangerous and we had to keep avoiding the structures. We drifted quite far away only to make Chen in successfully getting one small specimen away from our usual spot. It was almost towards the end of the biting period and Chen decided to motor slowly away from structures when I still had my good ol' trusty Yamashita in the water. As soon as Chen turned off the motor, my ET reel was making sound! This squid pulled drag and was hardout! We were both shocked and I slowly and surely made sure the squid stayed on. Holy shit! Chen helped me net up my biggest Southern Calamari and we were both over the moon!
Then, it was history in the making. Chen had never landed or even fought a king before, and today was the day of reckoning. He was using unweighted squid strip from his small arrow and there was a previous occassion when his Revros burst a few times but no hook up. I told him to let the fish take it longer before you strike. Soon, the scenario repeated again. This time, his drag was set loose and the fish took it but did the: "zzz.. stop.. zzz.. stop.. zzz.." Then, on a longer run, I told him to strike. He wacked the rod and the Revros went crazy! Unluckily, whilst he did that, the 8lb braid sliced through his finger and cut him very very bad! Anyway, the fight was on and this one was even better on his light 2-4kg Procaster and 2000 size Daiwa Revros. Woohoo.. my kingfish-virgin skipper was battling his long-awaited specie to add. I was too engrossed in making sure all other lines are in and standing by with a net that I forgot to grab my camera out and take a video of it, DIEW!!! It'll be like: zzzzzzz... stop (ok bro, wind in now!) then zzzzzz.. (bro, let it run!), stop (bro, pump and wind like mad!).. This was the encouragements I gave to my skipper, and he did it like a pro with his light outfit. I don't know if he did orgase but I know I would! This kingie played clean and moments later, we saw her and my lousy netting skill only managed to get it in at the second attempt. Sorry bro. But still, Chen beat me! He scored his 1st at 64cm! Tamade!!
Chen: "what is it bro"
Ronald: "nah bro, trevally, got headshakes"... "yup, definitely"..
Then, wind in the 2nd time and only for a bit then on the 3rd run, the zzzzz went longer and changed direction to the structure!
Chen said: "bro, u sure?"
Ok, I called for king by now. A second one on cubing!!! This one I did a major mistake. I was reluctantly in adjusting the drag, and she took it gutsily towards the structure. By then, Chen frantically wind in the other rods. But in split second, I knew I would stand no chance, because it was heading dead straight for the structure. True enough, this fight was short-lived and my line went slack. (Kingfish 6, Ronald 2) ARGHHHH!!!!! Mistake! Mistake! KNNBCCB!!! The leader this time was not there, I believe the structure cut the fireline. Another hayabusa-piercing king swimming around in the harbour.
The score tally was a sad reality. No wonder my grand master Jialiang told me before: "your $30 combo the reel not meant for kings lah". True, I've lost 4 kings on the ET stick, it has never ever landed one before. The statistics says it all. But.. but.. I never point a gun to king's head and asked them to bite my pilchard right? Anyway, it was turning out to be a kings mayhem day. Not long later, while I was crying over spilled milk, Chen's unattended rod had a solid run and he picked it up. The fight was short-lived too. Kings? He said probably no, but I reckon it was. It became pretty quiet on the kings front and we were boating a few breams, and they were on the small side! To be honest, I hooked up lesser breams that day compared to kings! With that shut down, we looked at the watch and decided to do our usual, rush for maccas brekkie!
Got back to HQ and started to process the kingies. Chen took one for his mate derrick and we certainly had plenty for the mob. I sashimi-ed one side and found that they had plenty of meat! It was definitely enough to fill up a plate full of sliced (instead of the usual cubed) HIRAMASA sashimi, YUM!
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